Can bats chew though spray foam, wood, or screen?

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Yes, some bats can chew, but they're not the kind of animal that you would need to worry about chewing through your electrical cables or wooden beams that are holding the roof up. Nor can they chew though spray foam, or screen. They can damage those in plenty of other ways, however.

Some bats have pretty strong teeth, but they're not for chewing through drywall or anything like that. Instead, they're perfect for clamping down and breaking through the hard shells of beetles and other bugs. That's what they eat and that's what the strong jaw and strong, sharp teeth are for.

Many bats have teeth that are so tiny, you probably wouldn't even know if you were to be bitten by one. In fact, many are even unaware that they have been bitten and do not seek medical treatment for that reason, and if a cat or other domestic animal were to be bitten, it might not immediately be obvious.

If you see damage to your property that looks as though it could have been caused by chewing, bats are not your likely culprit. Rats, mice, squirrels and other small mammals can chew, but bats really don't have a reason to chew. They don't have teeth that constantly grow, and they don't need to chew to make a smaller hole bigger to enable entry into a building. They need such tiny gaps, that chewing action is usually not necessary. Go back to the Bat Removal page, or learn about bats in the attic with my Bats in the Attic guide.

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