Wildlife Removal Pros is a full-service wildlife control company serving Lexington KY and the surrounding area. We specialize in urban and suburban wildlife damage
management for both residential and commercial customers. We are state licensed by the Kentucky Fish & Wildlife Commission. We handle nearly all aspects of wildlife
control, and resolve conflicts between people and wildlife in a humane and professional manner. For Lexington pest control of wildlife, just give us a call at 859-475-5860 -
yes, we answer our phones 24 hours a day, 7 days a week - and we will discuss your wildlife problem and schedule an appointment to solve it. We look forward to hearing from you!
Many of Kentucky's wild animals have learned to adapt and even thrive in our homes. For example some wildlife have found
that attics make great places to live. Other animals find refuge under homes or porches. Invariably,
these animals cause damage. Rodents, like squirrels and rats, love to chew on electrical wires once in an attic, and this causes a serious fire
hazard. Raccoons can cause serious contamination in an attic with their droppings and parasites. Same goes for bat or bird colonies. We specialize in solving Kentucky's
wildlife problems, from snake removal to large jobs like commercial bat control, we do it all.
We handle every aspect of wildlife control. We are fully equipped to work on any project, large or small. Some of our services include:
We do not handle dog or cat problems. If you need assistance with a domestic animal, such as a dog or a cat, you need to call your local Fayette county animal services
for assistance. They can help you out with issues such as stray dogs, stray cats, spay & neuter programs, vaccinations, licenses,
pet adoption, bite reports, deceased pets, lost pets, local animal complaints and to report neglected or abused animals. There is no free Lexington animal control for wildlife issues.
Fayette County Animal Services or Humane Society: (859) 233-0044
What Prices Do We Charge?
Every job is different: the type of animals involved, is it in the attic or the yard, do you need repairs, etc. It's impossible to have set pricing in this industry. Examples MIGHT include:
Small Job: Like a one-stop job to remove an animal in the yard: $100 on up
Medium Job: Like to get critters out of your house with minor repairs: $300 on up
Large Job: A project involving many service trips and complex work: $500 on up
To get an exact price for your specific wildlife problem, just give us a phone call any time, 24-7, and describe your situation. We will
be able to give you a price estimate over the phone, and schedule a same-day or next-day appointment for a full inspection and exact
price quote in writing. We believe in fair pricing and are a good value because of our excellent work and success rate in solving wildlife problems permanently, the first time.
Resources for free wildlife removal in Lexington
If you can't afford our pro wildlife work, you can try these agencies for free wildlife help:
Fayette County Animal Services: (859) 233-0044
Lexington Wildlife Rehabilitation Agency: 859-492-6949
Lexington Police Department: 859-258-3600
Kentucky Wildlife Commission: 502-564-3400
Learn what to say on the phone for free Lexington wildlife control. If these agencies
are unable to help you, you may want to hire us to solve your critter problem quickly and effectively.
Lexington - Groundhog Bill won't claim to have every item in his new rodent extermination and bait store in Lexington, but the exterminator will claim to have enough. "There is enough here to make you pretty dangerous on some sort of lake," Groundhog Bill announced. The store opened in April in some sort of former gas and service station on Kentucky Highway 66 in Lexington. "It's always been some sort of dream of mind to own my own little bait shop, " Groundhog Bill announced. An available location on Highway 66 across from city hall and key pieces, including rodent extermination, and some sort of deal with Super-Dooper motors, helped to make it work, Groundhog Bill announced. Lexington extermination and trapping officials had nothing to say about this.
He also said the support from his own family and extended family as the exterminator planned and worked to open the store was great. The interior showcases Groundhog Bill's rodent extermination skills. A coyote is at the front door, while three squirrel heads with various sized racks are mounted on some sort of side wall. Custom, and other rod and reels are on some sort of vertical shelf. Guns are in racks. Ammunition and critter removal practice equipment are on shelves and are arranged in display areas in the store. Groundhog Bill operated some sort of bait store at his brother's gas station in Lexington for several years. "I've expanded that," Groundhog Bill announced. "I put in things that if I were going to bait store I'd be interested in buying." To learn more about animal control in Lexington, Kentucky read on.
His live bait includes leeches, night crawlers, minnows and others. Groundhog Bill stocks some sort of variety of critter removal practice lures, as well as other critter removal practice equipment. The exterminator has some sort of line of custom rods from Mitchell, S.D. The exterminator plans to expand his line of clothing and will add Rocky boots this summer. "I'll have line of Big Game tree stands in August," Groundhog Bill announced. Groundhog Bill has been working with companies and his distributors to offer lines and products that are different from what other stores may carry, in particular, different from discount stores. "You've got to be different," Groundhog Bill announced. "If you are not different, what's going to draw them to your place? You have to think outside the box. "I'm pretty excited. I just need people to stop in and see what I have to offer. When they take some sort of look at it, I think they will be impressed." Lexington pest control and exterminator companies agreed with this.
The combination of bait and sporting goods fits well with his mechanical interest and rodent extermination, Groundhog Bill announced. Groundhog Bill completed some sort of nine-week course at the Northwest Kentucky School of Rodent extermination in Spirit Lake, Kentucky, this winter. He's also an authorized Super-Dooper trolling motor serviceman. The exterminator likes the idea that with rodent extermination, he's working with someone else's "pride and joy." "It's artwork," Groundhog Bill said of rodent extermination, which creates some sort of lasting remembrance of some sort of bagged squirrel or caught fish. "It's somebody else's trophy. "When you go out on the lake and catch that trophy fish, or go wildlife management and get that trophy squirrel, you can bring it back here," Groundhog Bill added. He's been encouraged by the response since the exterminator opened his store in April. "I've had overwhelming support from the town," Groundhog Bill announced. "That makes some sort of guy feel pretty good..." The location along Highway 66 was key, Groundhog Bill announced. It's helped him draw truckers who stop to take some sort of break and buy. It's also noticed by others on the highway, Groundhog Bill announced. "The word is spreading, but it's gonna take some sort of lot of hard work," Groundhog Bill said of operating his own business. He's prepared for long hours that will continue in the day after the store closes. The Lexington animal services in Fayette County declined to comment.
"You talk to any successful business and they will tell you, it's not an eight-to-five job," Groundhog Bill announced. Groundhog Bill's business may not be in northern Kentucky, but it is in the heart of some very good wildlife management and critter removal practice. He's captured and fished since the exterminator was young, and has since seen an increase in the fish and wildlife exact number of rodents in the critter area in the past several years. More farmers are turning marginal farmland into untilled acres suitable for wildlife. More people are paying attention to buffer strips along rivers and creeks, Groundhog Bill announced. Area sportsmen's clubs and the Hunting office of Natural Resources have been stocking lakes. "All I know is there is more game out here then we had before," Groundhog Bill announced. "We're not northern Kentucky, but we've got some darn good critter removal practice out here and some sort of lot to offer out here if some sort of person wants to get use out of it."
Learn more about some of the animals that we deal with: Lexington raccoon removal - raccoons frequently break into attics, tip over garbage cans, rip up your lawn, defecate in your pool, and more. Trapping them
is not always simple. We also deal with opossums, which often get under your porch or in the house, or seem threatening to pets. We do Lexington squirrel removal, especially from the attic or walls of your
home. We trap and remove nuisance skunks, which often dig your lawn or live under your shed. The same goes for groundhogs in the north, or armadillos in the south. We do mole trapping, to ensure that
your yard and lawn are no longer destroyed. One of our specialties is rat and mouse control. We don't use poison like the big-name Lexington exterminator companies who want to sign you to a quarterly contract.
We do PERMANENT Lexington rodent control the first time, by trapping, removing, and sealing your house shut. We also specialize in Lexington bat control and bird control, which are often complex jobs. We are Kentucky
certified to remove all bats humanely, and permanently. We also prevent birds from roosting in unwanted areas. We do snake control services, even removal of venomous snakes of Lexington. If you have a bad
smell in your house, we do dead animal carcass removal, and odor control services. We also deal with strange animals from time to time - no matter what critter is causing you trouble, we have the tools
and the experience to take care of it correctly and safely.
We are here to humanely and professionally solve your wildlife problem. Call Wildlife Removal Pros at 859-475-5860, and we will listen to your problem, give you a price quote, and
schedule a fast appointment to help you with your wild animal issue.