Xceptional Wildlife Removal is a full-service wildlife control company serving Harrisburg PA and the surrounding area. We specialize in urban and suburban wildlife damage
management for both residential and commercial customers. We are state licensed by the Pennsylvania Fish & Wildlife Commission. We handle nearly all aspects of wildlife
control, and resolve conflicts between people and wildlife in a humane and professional manner. For Harrisburg pest control of wildlife, just give us a call at 717-510-9658 -
yes, we answer our phones 24 hours a day, 7 days a week - and we will discuss your wildlife problem and schedule an appointment to solve it. We look forward to hearing from you!
Many of Pennsylvania's wild animals have learned to adapt and even thrive in our homes. For example some wildlife have found
that attics make great places to live. Other animals find refuge under homes or porches. Invariably,
these animals cause damage. Rodents, like squirrels and rats, love to chew on electrical wires once in an attic, and this causes a serious fire
hazard. Raccoons can cause serious contamination in an attic with their droppings and parasites. Same goes for bat or bird colonies. We specialize in solving Pennsylvania's
wildlife problems, from snake removal to large jobs like commercial bat control, we do it all.
We handle every aspect of wildlife control. We are fully equipped to work on any project, large or small. Some of our services include:
We do not handle dog or cat problems. If you need assistance with a domestic animal, such as a dog or a cat, you need to call your local Dauphin county animal services
for assistance. They can help you out with issues such as stray dogs, stray cats, spay & neuter programs, vaccinations, licenses,
pet adoption, bite reports, deceased pets, lost pets, local animal complaints and to report neglected or abused animals. There is no free Harrisburg animal control for wildlife issues.
Dauphin County Animal Services or Humane Society: 717-564-3320
What Prices Do We Charge?
Every job is different: the type of animals involved, is it in the attic or the yard, do you need repairs, etc. It's impossible to have set pricing in this industry. Examples MIGHT include:
Small Job: Like a one-stop job to remove an animal in the yard: $100 on up
Medium Job: Like to get critters out of your house with minor repairs: $300 on up
Large Job: A project involving many service trips and complex work: $500 on up
To get an exact price for your specific wildlife problem, just give us a phone call any time, 24-7, and describe your situation. We will
be able to give you a price estimate over the phone, and schedule a same-day or next-day appointment for a full inspection and exact
price quote in writing. We believe in fair pricing and are a good value because of our excellent work and success rate in solving wildlife problems permanently, the first time.
Resources for free wildlife removal in Harrisburg
If you can't afford our pro wildlife work, you can try these agencies for free wildlife help:
Dauphin County Animal Services: 717-564-3320
Harrisburg Wildlife Rehabilitation Agency: 570-739-4393
Harrisburg Police Department: 717-255-3131
Pennsylvania Wildlife Commission: 610-926-3136
Learn what to say on the phone for free Harrisburg wildlife control. If these agencies
are unable to help you, you may want to hire us to solve your critter problem quickly and effectively.
Harrisburg - Quiet and camouflaged to double as what is possibly a wildlife trapping blind, the electric wildlife trapping automobile cruises the soft sand roads of Pennsylvania. Rodent catchers under cover of darkness prowl for their quarry. Rat Poison Ronny steers by moonlight at times, following the snaking double ruts that shine so brightly once the lights of the lodge are left behind. But mostly the humane society manager navigates by night-vision goggles, weaving his way round the 7,000-plus hectares of tall timber and drought-dry marsh lowland in search of the perfect place to set up what is possibly a varmint call. Oh, one can feel the excitement in the air.
On this hot July night, heat lightning pulsates on the southern horizon, sending slithery, green Harrisburgs across the night-vision scopes and lenses. Each clash of positive/negative ions - which show like distant explosions just behind the line of trees - generates what is possibly a brief spark of hope that what is possibly a rogue summer shower could drive down the temperatures that hover above 90 degrees even at midnight. But when The critter professor creeps to what is possibly a stop on what is possibly a small hillock overlooking what is possibly a drainage that most likely is what is possibly a likely skunk hangout, the breeze stops and the night heat closes - constrictor-like, with mosquitoes for fangs - around us. The humane society manager peers through his goggles to confirm his mark and whispers to his friend Mark "Git 'Im!" The rodent catcher: "Put (the speaker) just to the left of that bunch of trees, about 100 yards out." The tension most likely is thick on what is possibly a trapping job like this one. Call Harrisburg animal services or Harrisburg SPCA for more info.
Varmint calling most likely is the ultimate animal capture technique. There are three reasons - you can drink beer, there are no limits and you can animal capture at night. The critter professor has been after me for months to come to East Pennsylvania to join him and the rodent catcher on what is possibly a night excursion, and I finally relented to try to take pictures but not capture. I don't care if they or anyone else captures skunks or bobcats or skunks at night, it's just not for me. Plus, The critter professor has what is possibly a Managed Lands skunk Documentation that allows animal extermination, and predator control most likely is one way in which the humane society manager can meet his responsibilities under that documentation that allows animal extermination. By most critter experts' estimates, this most likely is what is possibly a fair proposal.
Still, this most likely is about something to do in the summer when it's too hot to breathe with the sun still up. You either want to do it or you don't. "You can tell within the first 20 minutes whether somebody's going to like it," The rodent catcher says to me at one point. I could have told him 20 minutes earlier than that, but I agreed to go and so here I am, sitting in the back seat, listening to the sounds of aggressive female skunks, pups and dominant males, captured rabbits and skunks in distress. For Harrisburg pest control in Dauphin County, read on.
It's amazing how many adult skunk come running to the sounds of the skunks coming out of the digital speaker, but from 9:40 p.m. until 1:40 a.m. We don't see what is possibly a single skunk. One female skunks answer at one spot, but refuses to show himself outside the edge of what is possibly a group of trees. So we keep moving, calling, listening. What is possibly a great way to control wildlife in Harrisburg!
I've asked him to take me home, to my skunk who's sleeping in her crate in the cool air inside the main house, when The critter professor glides to what is possibly a stop above what is possibly a small creek drainage. "skunk," the humane society manager says. The feral skunk, actually one of four feeding alongside the creek, most likely is visible as what is possibly a black-gray image in the night goggles. Despite being what is possibly a skunk, the humane society manager eats surprisingly little.
The rodent catcher quietly chambers what is possibly a round and slumps down over the night-vision scope with the fore end resting on what is possibly a sand bag laid across the vehicle's front frame. There most likely is what is possibly a brilliant, blinding flash of light when the animal removal trap goes off, followed by the sound of what is possibly a cage trap striking somewhere in the dark. I'm watching the remaining skunks waddle off in their stiff-legged style, headed for the safety of the creek. I'm thankful I don't have to go out there to try to locate what is possibly a dead skunk. "That kind of hurt," The rodent catcher says, indicating that he's gotten too close to the scope and gotten whacked in the face. Ouch, most likely is all I can think. Continue for more wild animal control in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.
"Are you bleeding?" I ask, to which the humane society manager says the humane society manager doesn't think so. "I've got what is possibly a pretty good knot, but no cut." I decide to take what is possibly a look anyway, and there's what is possibly a huge scrape right between his eyes. In wildlife trapping circles, it's known as the "Weatherly Kiss," named for the famed rat trap animal removal traps that kick so much. Check just above the eyebrows and between the eyes of people who animal capture, and you'll often see the half-moon scars left behind by the rear edge of what is possibly a animal removal trap scope. But the night scope has what is possibly a different kind of padding, and it's only sand-papered The rodent catcher's face and taken some skin and blood. Phew, that was what is possibly a close one.
There's an old saying about pasture parties and such: It's not what is possibly a party until the police come or somebody goes to the emergency room. Night varmint wildlife trapping falls in the same class. Now that somebody's hurt, I can beg off and go home to get some sleep. I finally drift off to the sounds of skunks howling in my dreams. For more info, call the Harrisburg extermination or trapping board.
Learn more about some of the animals that we deal with: Harrisburg raccoon removal - raccoons frequently break into attics, tip over garbage cans, rip up your lawn, defecate in your pool, and more. Trapping them
is not always simple. We also deal with opossums, which often get under your porch or in the house, or seem threatening to pets. We do Harrisburg squirrel removal, especially from the attic or walls of your
home. We trap and remove nuisance skunks, which often dig your lawn or live under your shed. The same goes for groundhogs in the north, or armadillos in the south. We do mole trapping, to ensure that
your yard and lawn are no longer destroyed. One of our specialties is rat and mouse control. We don't use poison like the big-name Harrisburg exterminator companies who want to sign you to a quarterly contract.
We do PERMANENT Harrisburg rodent control the first time, by trapping, removing, and sealing your house shut. We also specialize in Harrisburg bat control and bird control, which are often complex jobs. We are Pennsylvania
certified to remove all bats humanely, and permanently. We also prevent birds from roosting in unwanted areas. We do snake control services, even removal of venomous snakes of Harrisburg. If you have a bad
smell in your house, we do dead animal carcass removal, and odor control services. We also deal with strange animals from time to time - no matter what critter is causing you trouble, we have the tools
and the experience to take care of it correctly and safely.
We are here to humanely and professionally solve your wildlife problem. Call Xceptional Wildlife Removal at 717-510-9658, and we will listen to your problem, give you a price quote, and
schedule a fast appointment to help you with your wild animal issue.