Need bat removal in your hometown? We service over 500 USA locations! Click here to hire us in your town and check prices - updated for year 2020.
If you have a bat flying around in your house and you need to know how to catch it, there are basically four ways.
Option 1: Catch it with a butterfly net. This is actually pretty hard, especially if it's on the wing. You might want to wait for it to land, and then net it. Be careful to close the top of the net and not crush the fragile bat, and then
bring it outside and let it go. A fishing net might also work, but bats can get through such small areas, that it'll likely squirt right out the fishing net.
Option 2: Trap it in tupperware or a jar, bowl, bucket, etc. Wait for it to land, exhausted, and then carefully place the jar or tupperware over the bat against a wall or floor, and then slide a piece of paper between the wall and the container, and you've got
the bat trapped. Bring it outside.
Option 3: Smother it in a towel or blanket - drape a blanket over the bat, and then gently bunch it up and bring it outside and let it go. Remember, bats have very fragile bones in their wings, so be careful not to injure it.
Option 4: You can even remove it with thick
leather gloves. You just don't want to get bitten. Bat's aren't aggressive, but if you're grabbing one, it'll defend itself.
Click here for my nationwide list of 100's of bat removal experts serving every US town/city.
I have bad news and good news. The bad news is that there really aren't any effective bat traps for sale. The good news is that you can completely solve your bat problem, not through the use
of traps, but by using one-way exclusion devices, such as netting or funnels.
Bat catching inside the home.
Can you use traps to catch bats? Not really - it doesn't work that way. It's not like a rat trap, where you can set bait and the bats will go right in. The below photo of a bat trap is
actually just bats living in an attic behind a steel grate. Bats in attics are removed via exclusion.
Now, to address the important matter: how did the bat(s) get inside the house in the first place? It's most likely because you've already got a colony of bats living inside your house somewhere. The most common
time of year for bats to get inside the home is in August. The reason is because that's when the baby bats start to fly, and they're new
at it - they get confused, they
go the wrong way, etc. They crawl around, then they find a way to get inside the house. Sometimes the mother bat will follow the chirping of the baby bat, and the adult bat will get into the house as well. So to prevent a problem
with bats in the living space inside a home, you need to remove the colony of bats before it comes to that.
If you have a chronic problem with bats in your house, such as in the attic, and need a solution, I have written several detailed articles:
How to get bats out of the attic
Remove bats flying inside the house
How to get bats out of the chimney
Bat exclusion tips and techniques
Bat trapping
Bat poison
How to inspect your house for bat entry
Bat prevention methods
The author, David, is a bat removal expert with
over 500 successful bat control jobs under his
belt. I want to stress the importance of proper
bat removal, and the value of these animals to
the ecosystem. I've witnessed dozens of failed
do-it-yourself bat jobs over the years, and it
is not pretty - dead bats, horrible odors,
rabies vaccinations, and so on. Bat removal work
is not easy - I trained for two years learning,
and even then, it took many jobs and hands-on
training before I was competent. I highly
recommend that you consult my list of wildlife
control companies on the home page, and hire a
professional to come out and look at your bat
problem. Get a few quotes if you must. And
remember, do not perform any bat exclusions during the summer maternity months. For more general information and links, go to my main bat removal page.
Customer Bat Email: Just wondering if anyone can help me with some bat removal. I have tried to find where they are getting in to no avail.
They are in the attic and one got in the house last night. I don’t mind them. I catch them and release them. They serve a very good purpose. But
the wife and son… Could you help me locate someone that can remove them one way or another. Thank you. Paul
My Response: I'm glad you like bats and are nice to them. What is your method for catching and releasing them? Anyway, I'd be glad to help you. Check my list of wildlife operators, and you'll find a great company in your area.
Customer Bat Email: I live in Pikeville Kentucky, about 2 hours east from Lexington. I have
reviewed your website, and with my problem of bats
consisting of more thank a hundred of bats in my attic also leaving a awful
odor from the droppings the smell has become stronger with in the last few months. The noise is also became a problem everyday, around dark there has been spotted
multiple holes they fly in/out of. If you
wouldn't care to give me a quote on what it would be to take care of this problem it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for you time.
My Response: Sounds like a pretty typical bat problem, and any bat control expert should be able to do the job right. I only work in Florida, but someone on my directory should be able to help you.
Customer Bat Email: HI, I live in Tower, Minnesota. Just bought a 16 yr. old log cabin. Have bats trying to keep me company at night! IN MY HOUSE! Had a contractor come but he only
did a partial job & did not come back. Who can you recommend to come to my home and help us figure out how the bats are getting in? And where they are living ? etc We have two small children
and three dogs, we don't want another summer of bats. Can you please help? Feeling frantic, Terry
My Response: Your contractor clearly didn't do a good job, and that's not surprising. A contractor doesn't understand wildlife, bats in particular. You need a wildlife control specialist. Check my
directory, and you'll find a great guy in MN.
Customer Bat Email: Hi, I believe I have one stray bat in my garage. Is it possible to get it to leave by
simply leaving the garage door open during the daytime? I do have a fear that even
if there is just one bat there is a hole in the garage ceiling that would give the bat
access to my attic. You do not have any approved bat excluders listed on your website
for my area, La Crosse County in Wisconsin. In any event I don't know if I could afford such an expert now as I'm out of work. Thanks, Randy
My Response: A stray bat wouldn't hang out in the garage for long. If there was a stray bat in the garage, yes, leaving the door open would let it leave. If you consistently see a bat in your garage, it's probably a sign
that you've already got some in your attic. Sorry I don't have anyone for your area, it's one of the very few spots I don't have someone.