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Like other foraging wildlife, skunks are notorious for the messes they make when they raid garbage cans. Urban dwelling skunks largely depend on human and pets leftovers, for which they have grown quite adept at overturning garbage cans at night.
The way to keep them out is simple, yet requires dedicated effort. Skunk will always come to your yard when there is food available for the taking. Ensure that the following measures are in place on your property:
You may also want to spray a repellent substance around your garbage can, only remember to reapply every now and then. These include ammonia and predator-based solutions. Note however, that repellents will prove ineffective where attractants are not eliminated, because as long as there is food to eat, the skunk will keep coming back and will eventually
adapt to the repelling substance. Read more about How to keep skunks away.
If you have tried all and the skunk problem persists, you may want to call in a wildlife professional in your area for expert advice and execution.
Go back to the Skunk Removal page, or learn tips by reading How to get rid of skunks.