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Tile roofs, barrel tile roofs in particular, pose a special problem when it comes to wildlife. The gaps in the tile create spaces that rodents and other critters - rats, mice,
squirrels, bats, raccoons, opossums, and more, can use to enter the house and get into the attic, walls, and ceiling.
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As you can see, the barrel tile roof leaves gaps that lead right into the attic! I took the above photo both from the outside, and from inside the attic. Talk about an open invitation for rats and
squirrels to just waltz right on in! And if a raccoon sees and smells an opening like this, forget about it! They just push the soffit right open, and they're in the atttic.
The only way to solve the problem is to get right in there and seal those areas shut, and seal 'em good! I use special steel molding and sealant, and I make the openings completely airtight and
animal-proof. You won't get rid of your problem with wildlife getting into your tile roof unless you seal these holes shut.
Customer email about tile roof wildlife problem:
Hi, I read your web site about squirrels getting under roof tiles (barrel tiles). I have that very problem. Squirrels have destroyed a section of tar paper under the tiles, have scratched through the shiplap board on the eaves,
and have chewed through the roof plywood into the attic. Clicking on your web site got me to Wild Catchers here in my city. On the phone they explained that they can trap the squirrels but they do not do any work related to
preventing them from getting in. Your web site gave some good photos showing what you do in Florida. Is there someone here in the San Jose area that can do a similar job? I started to cut up chicken wire and push it under the
tiles. It is tedious work and doesn't seem strong enough to deter a really aggressive squirrel. Regards, Stu
My response: Hi Stu: We do all types of exclusion. Honestly, tile roof exclusion is not on our list. We have researched this issue
a lot, talked to many clients with the problem, roofing companies, etc. We don't have the time or staff to attempt tile roof exclusion. All other exclusion is not a problem. I have not heard of anyone in our area who does tile
roof exclusion. If you know of anyone, please let us know so that we can refer people to them. I recall talking to Stu. He wants to shut them out rather than trap them. I explained that just shutting them out often does not solve
the problem, as a squirrel can be very determined to reenter, therefore causing more damage. I also explained that we can exclude anything, but the tiles. We have not explored the idea of tile roof exclusion because of how much
time it could take. Also, most customers are willing to trap animals now and then, rather than pay thousands to exclude. Any tips or suggestions from you are greatly appreciated. And don't we wish people would spend thousands on
exclusion, but these days, they want to spend the minimum. Please feel free to respond as we value your opinion. Also, if you know of an affordable material or procedure for tile roofs, let us know. We are not completely against
it, but have to account for time and money spent. Also, what our customers might realistically be willing to spend. Thanks. Andy