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If you have evidence to support the theory that bats have gotten in your attic by way of your barrel tile roof, you are going to have one hell of a job on your hands. With roof styles such as this one, the bat will have a number of potential entry points, in some cases, hundreds. Maybe even thousands of them. Each and every tile has a gap beneath it that could act as a doorway in, and because the area is warm and also relatively dark, it makes the perfect spot for a bat roost. It takes just the tiniest tear in the tarpaper beneath the barrel roll tiles for them to get into your attic, and then you’ll have a number of things to concern yourself with, including the threat of disease.
Not just bats, other animals are attracted to the entrance holes that a barrel tile roof has to offer, and that’s why we would always recommend having the area professionally looked over every once in a while. Perhaps once per year? Holes at the front of the barrel tiles are easily covered with hex or mesh wiring. This will stop a number of wild critters, including squirrels, rats, bats, mice, and more.
You will need to think carefully about your barrel tile sealing job too. Waterways and drainage systems will need to be still fully functional after you have sealed the holes, just another reason why we would advise getting a professional opinion on this difficult job. One moved tile could entirely change the flow of water, and that could result in a leak in another area of the home.
Worse than that, with heavy rainfall, it could even lead to flooding. This is even more so the case if parts of the roof has become damaged from animals chewing or scratching at it.
Getting bats out of a barrel tile roof is no easy task, and it’s honestly not one that we would advise you do alone. Get a professional opinion, or, at the very least, advice.
Go back to the Bat Removal page, or learn about bats in the attic with my Bats in the Attic guide.