Noises Bats Make When They Are Living In Your House

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One of the obvious noises that a bat makes when it lives in your home is a flapping noise. When you have one bat, you don’t ever have one bat. Its never just the one — it’s always a colony of them. When you have a number of bats all together, that's a number of flying creatures and together, they can make quite the racket.

As these flying mammals move in and out of your home, usually at dusk and dawn, they’ll make noises too. This may include the scratching of a wing against a wall, or the tip-tapping of tiny claws holding on to something for support. These creatures are nocturnal, so they’ll leave your home at dusk and return again at dawn. Those are the times at which the bats are likely to make quite a lot of noise, and if you head outside to take a peek at your home, you will usually find them flapping around. They tend to come out with the insects come out, and they always come out at dusk and dawn.

As well as flapping, flying, and scuffling sounds, bats also make a number of vocal sounds. These are usually in a high-pitched frequency that is too high for humans to hear, but some humans can hear them. Some bats also emit sounds at a lower frequency, one that is easier for humans to hear.

Echolocation is what bats use to get around. They use sound waves bouncing back through the air to determine where prey is, how to avoid walls when they're flying, and how to avoid predators. It's a clever system, but if the bats are inside your home that is well insulated, such as in the attic area, you may find that the noises from the echolocation are echoed and heard much more easily.

Go back to the Bat Removal page, or learn about bats in the attic with my Bats in the Attic guide.

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