About Foxes

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Foxes are often seen as pretty cute animals, especially on social media. Small, ginger, bushy-tailed little critters, they can wreak havoc when ripping apart garbage bags, but many seem to have taken a shine to this opportunistic scavenger. Home and land owners have been known to take pity on the likes of foxes, leaving food out for them to make life a little easier. Sadly, this has led to an influx of foxes in highly populated human areas, and foxes and humans don't actually coexist that well together.

A group of foxes is called either a leash or a skulk, but you can called a female the “vixen”, and the male a “dog fox”. You generally won't see them together, unless they are mating, or if it’s a mother with her youngsters in tow. Their youngsters are actually called kits, and they are brought up in dens that are created underground, usually from the abandoned underground burrows of other animals. These part-underground spots are perfect for keeping the kits warm when the temperatures plummet, as well as keeping them relatively sheltered and safe from any passing predators. These will mostly include animals that are larger than the fox itself — coyotes, wolves, jackals, and also large dogs and larger than average cats too.

Foxes have sharp claws that retract, just like cats claws do, and that’s actually not the only thing the two animals have in common. They also have similar eyes, with vertical pupils. It is this pupil design that helps them to see very well at night, giving them the advantage as mostly nocturnal scavengers. It isn’t unusual to see foxes out during the day. You shouldn’t assume that one is rabid or diseases just because it is out during the day. At the same time, however, you shouldn't assume that the animal is just fine because it appears fit and well. Some diseases don't show early symptoms, but can still be passed on to other animals and humans.

Just like both cats and dogs, foxes have excellent hearing, and it is believed that foxes can hear something as quiet as a watch ticking from over 120 feet away. Foxes actually belong to the dog family, despite having so much in common with the feline domesticated animal. They usually grow to about the same size as a large cat, and they can run remarkably fast too — up to thirty miles an hour when they need to get moving. That might have a little something to do with the fact that the animal has wolf in its ancestry.

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