How to Remove Mice From Your Car

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In the continuous search for shelter, food, and survival, mice and other critters sometimes take shelter in automobiles a lot, especially the rural dwellers. They also do this to get out of the frigid cold of winter; living in the engine compartments of stationery cars (mostly). It does not only happen to old or stationery cars however, many a seasoned car mechanic will tell of their encounter with rats in vehicle engine compartments of brand new cars.

Unfortunately, the propensity of mice to gnaw and chew at cables and wires under the hood can cost the car owner some really expensive repairs. They rip out the insulation for nesting materials, or hide caches of nuts and trash in car and truck engines causing a whole lot of wiring problems. Tell-tale signs of mice living in your car include sightings of droppings and trash, dusty footprints, and nibbled plastic or padding.

Getting mice out of your car can be achieved in the following ways:

  • Prevention is key. If you have had this problem before or if your car is going to be stationery for a while in a mice-prone environment, try prevention. For one, park it in a garage and keep food and seeds packed away. These include pet food, trash cans, bird seed, spray cheese, and what have you.
  • Set up a snap trap. These essentially attract the mice with food bait and then swiftly clamps down on its neck once the trigger is activated. The mice die instantly in most cases and can be disposed of properly. In disposing of both rodent and trap, ensure that you wear rubber gloves and spray the trap with a ten percent bleach solution to disinfect before discarding it.
  • Use ultrasonic sound devices, which emit frequencies that mice find irritating in your car hood. These are very much available in stores.
  • After getting rid of the mice, carefully pressure wash the engine compartment to clear all remaining feces or urine away. Leaving this undone is a sure way to invite your rodent visitors right back into the car.
  • Avoid using a car cover and leave your car hood up, where possible.
Some ineffective methods for getting mice out of your car:

- Spraying at the mouse with a squirt bottle
- Blasting the car undercarriage with an air hose
- Gunning your car round the field in a bid to unsettle and dislodge the varmint

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