Can You Use Mothballs to Help Repel Pigeons?

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When it comes to home remedies that are discussed in books and on DIY websites, there are few that come up as often when it comes to dealing with pest animals as ammonia and mothballs. Down the years there have been so many people who fall for the hearsay of these simple solutions that will solve an awkward problem like a pigeon infestation. There are several reasons why people think that the idea of using these chemicals might actually be effective, but unfortunately, these do not stand up to close scrutiny.

The Strong Scent Of The Chemicals

One of the main reasons that people will think that mothballs and ammonia may prove to be an effective repellent is that even to the weak human nose, when they get close to these chemicals the strong scent may make them flinch. The pigeon's sense of smell is remarkably good, but although they use this when they are trying to find their way to a particular destination, it isn't used regularly when looking for food. When it comes to being a repellent, the features that will attract a pigeon to a particular location will make the scent just a little bit of an inconvenience, rather than a repellent that they cannot live with.

The Toxic Effect Of Mothballs And Ammonia

The scent and the effect of these chemicals are both very strong, but for those who think that pigeons will be deterred by the effect of mothballs and ammonia, sadly it isn't the case. These birds will not want to consume any of these chemicals, and even in confined spaces they can just move to another area of the attic where the effect of being near such strong chemicals can be ignored.

Alternatives To Ineffective Repellents

There are several different ways that can be used to drive pigeons away, and while preventing them from getting in to confined spaces is the best approach, exclusion is one good way of getting rid of the birds. There are several different types of repellent, but if you have pigeons that are constantly perching or landing in a particular area, using pigeon netting and spikes can also work. If you are struggling to deal with a pigeon infestation, then there is also a good range of professionals who will have the knowledge and the experience to deal with such issues quickly and effectively that will be based in your area.

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Will Pigeon Repellents Remove Them From The Attic?

Those people who have experienced a pest animal problem before and have visited a local hardware store or garden center will know that there are a lot of repellent products that are designed to deal with different species. Getting rid of pigeons and other flying pests is one big area of the repellent business, but the reality is that in the majority of these products are at best ineffective, and at worst are a downright waste of money.

Chemical Repellents

There are a range of different types of chemicals that are claimed to have a repellent effect on pigeons, and while in some cases they will have an offensive smell or texture, they will usually be little more than a slight inconvenience for the pigeons. Indeed, because many of these chemicals are toxic, the risks of using them outweigh even the best case scenario of benefits.

Audio Repellents

Another type of repellent is the devices that produce a high pitched noise that is said to be insufferable to all manner of animals, and they will immediately want to leave the area. Many people learn through bitter and costly experience that that promises made on the packaging do not equate to the results that they see when they actually use these.

Gel Repellents

These products are designed to be spread on surfaces such as windowsills and roof lines, with the viscous substance making it unpleasant for the pigeons to land on these areas. Covering your home in a sticky substance is not exactly a pleasant idea, and while it may work in some situations, often the end result means that it wasn't really worth it, and in the attic it simply isn't appropriate.

Why Repellents Are Ineffective Against Pigeons

The majority of situations in which pigeons have found their way into the attic will mean that you only find out about it after they have settled into their new home. The reality is that steps such as exclusion or trapping and removal will be required, as the repellents will rarely be enough of a factor to cause them to move on to a new nesting location.

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