What Are the Symptoms of a Sick Pigeon?

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Pigeons are a species that are known for the number of diseases that they can carry, and while some of the conditions are those that can be transmitted to people, others may only be able to be transmitted to pets, and some diseases can only be transmitted among the species. Depending on the location and type of pigeon in question, there are also different diseases that may be more common or prevalent in the species. Being able to identify these birds is important, so that you will be able to know when to stay well clear of such a pigeon.

Green Or Unusually Colored Droppings

Unhealthy pigeon droppings are characterized by a green color which can be seen in many of the bird's droppings. This is usually a symptom of a problem in the stomach or digestive system of the bird, or in some cases it can be an indication that the pigeon isn't getting a suitable level of nutrition from the food that it has access to.

Loss Of Weight

When pigeons are ill they will often not be able to process their food properly or will not have the appetite to eat sufficiently. This will lead to weight loss and these birds will often look skinny or scraggly, with their feathers ruffled and not having the same sheen and smoothness shown in a healthy pigeon.

Twisting Of Neck And Head

Unusual neck movements and twisting uncomfortably is another sign that a pigeon can be ill, and this will often be related to a disease or condition where the bird is having upper body problems. It can also be related to the fever and flu type symptoms where they are trying to clear their sinuses.

Poor Flying

This is a sign that the bird is suffering from a significant disease, as they will often be almost unable to fly or cannot fly strongly. As this is vital to their scavenging and survival, this is often a sign that the bird may struggle to recover from the disease they will be experiencing.

Secretions From Eyes And Beak

There are many different cold and flu type conditions that can be transmitted among the pigeon population, and while it is rare for them to allow people to get close enough, observing secretions from the eyes and beak of the pigeon can be a key sign that they are suffering from a disease.

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