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Just because you do not regularly see animals in the water, it doesn't necessarily mean that they do not swim, and when you look at a skunk you will not necessarily think of it as a creature that is particularly effective in the water. Skunks do like to live in areas where they are relatively close to water sources, but they are creatures that will usually prefer to stay on dry land. However, it is worth noting that skunks do have the ability to swim, but they prefer to avoid it where possible.
The Swimming Ability Of Skunks
One of the problems that has an impact on how effectively a skunk can swim is that it has large hind legs but fairly small and dextrous front legs. This means that they are not particularly efficient when they are swimming, and particularly if they have to swim over a significant amount of of water, this can leave them fairly tired when they reach the other end of their swim. These short legs mean that they are also fairly slow swimmers, and can take some time to reach their destination. Along with this, the thick fur of the skunk is another hindrance when it is swimming, as it holds water and weighs the animal down when it is in the water. Despite this, they do like living near sources of water, as they prefer to douse their food before eating it.
When Will Skunks Swim?
The reality is that skunks will usually only swim when they have to in most cases, and will look for alternatives to avoid having to swim. Situations in which this may be necessary can be if they need to cross a stream or river, or in some cases they may be fleeing from a potential threat, particularly the Great Horned Owl which is one of the main predators of the species.
The Problems Of Skunks In A Swimming Pool
Because of the growth in the number of skunks that are living in urban and suburban areas, one of the growing issues that those with swimming pools are encountering is that skunks can become trapped in a swimming pool. Once inside they can sometimes drown in the pool, and will generally find it very difficult to climb back out again unless it has shallow steps. For this reason, it is recommended that those with a swimming pool should have a cover over the pool to prevent animals from getting in, or a fence around the yard that will keep pest animals out.
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