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Squirrels ... they can be a right pain for any building owner, can’t they? If you’ve ever fallen prey to these bushy-tailed critters, you’ll have a better understanding of what I’m talking about when I tell you that these creatures are perhaps one of the cutest, most destructive creatures you’ll ever come across in your life. Each nuisance wildlife species comes with their fair share of food and bad points, but despite having a few points of their own, the bad points of letting squirrels hang around far, far, far exceeds the good.
You’re not going to want them to hang around for very long.
Squirrels will chew on and through almost anything and everything, without a care in the world. Wood siding and shutters and other wooden areas are usually the hardest hit, but they won’t stop there, even going as far as attempting to chew lead-based flanges and other parts of the roof. Once they’re inside, they’re free to run rampant for however long you leave the up there. And by running rampant we mean that they will chew through everything. Old photos, personal belongings, wooden beams, structures and foundations, attic insulation (usually moved for nesting or bedding material), electrical items and cables, and even creating cavities in walls and other spaces, or making existing ones bigger. That isn’t even an extensive list of the damage they can cause, but that chewing action is definitely not to be taken lightly.
Of course, it isn’t just the squirrels chewing the wooden stuff that is the problem; it’s what happens as a result of that. With enough time squirrels and other nuisance wildlife can chew through wooden foundations and structures to the point where that building will then be rendered unsafe. That’s not good news if you live or work in that building. And what if the animals managed to chew through various wooden parts of your attic that then allow water to come in — you’ll have water damage, including rot, and then things like mold and the health hazards that come with it, insect/pest infestations alongside your existing squirrel one, and much more besides.
There are plenty of ways in which you can ensure that your home — specifically, the wooden parts of it — don’t come under attack from small squirrel interlopers, and we highly recommend starting that mission sooner rather than later. Who knows what might turn up if you put the task off for a few more months?
Go back to the Squirrel Removal page, or learn tips to do it yourself with my How to Get Rid of Squirrels guide.