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We do not recommend touching or handling any wild animal with bare hands, squirrels included. To start with, squirrels are quite feisty animals. Males are territorial and will fight with each other, and females are fiercely defensive over baby squirrels, doing whatever they need to do, attacking or otherwise, to keep them safe.
Being under physical attack from squirrels isn't the only thing that you will need to worry about, although the teeth and claws of these small animals are much sharper than you'd think, and they can inflict more damage than you'd think too. Disease is another big worry when you're up against wild critters, especially those that live within your home.
Whenever wildlife rehabilitators deal with squirrels and, indeed, a wide number of other wild animals, they always do so wearing thick and protective rubber gloves. These gloves are thick enough to protect the hands from super sharp teeth and claws, and will prevent wounds that may require stitches or potential infections that arise as a result.
If even the professionals aren't handling these creatures with bare hands, it doesn’t seem that a good idea for you to do it, does it?
The equipment that wildlife removal experts or rehabilitators have to remove wild animals is impressive — a range of items that can get these critters out in almost every situation. Snare poles, traps that are all-enclosing, and even full protective suits … Biting and scratches aren't the only concern with squirrels, although they should be one of your main concerns. If you can't ensure that you will do the removal job safely, we recommend giving the professionals a call. They’ll have everything needed to get the job done safely … gloves included!
Go back to the Squirrel Removal page, or learn tips to do it yourself with my How to Get Rid of Squirrels guide.