Stray Dog Removal and Control

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Stray Dogs are undesirable for many reasons. If not in the care of a responsible owner, dogs can revert to more wild and dangerous behavior at worst, or just noisy and dirty. The most common complaints include the following:

  • Dangerous stray dogs
  • Barking problems
  • Raiding trash or destroying property
  • Spreading fleas or threatening pets
For these reasons, many people wish to have nuisance stray dog trapped and removed.

Need professional help? You need to call your local city or county animal services. This website features a listing of nuisance wildlife trapping businesses, and they can not help you with a dog problem.

How to Get Rid of Stray Dogs - The stray dog is an interesting problem. If you’ve discovered a dog outside of your home, raiding your garbage cans, you might think it’s a stray, but then again, it might just be the dog from down the street. A stray dog is classified as an unowned dog; however, most cities and towns have leash laws and a free roaming canine is usually considered a stray unless it is easily identifiable. Most stray dogs are nomadic, especially if they have never known a specific house as home. These dogs will travel anywhere food is available. Like stray cats, feral dogs are completely dependent on edible, human waste products and the smaller critters that eat it. A stray dog will not last long in the wild. These creatures are pack members, and without a pack for hunting, a stray dog will not last long away from mankind. Interestingly enough, stray dogs will often form small packs if their population is dense enough to warrant it. Packs of stray dogs can be very dangerous. Like wolves, they know the power of the pack, but unlike wolves, dogs possess very little fear of mankind. Because they are considered sizeable nuisances, most towns and cities have law enforcement dedicated to the control of the canine stray population.

If you need to get rid of a stray dog, chances are that you can easily do so. A dog will linger around your home as long as it feels there is a potential gain. This advantage can be food, shelter, or safety. First, clean up the area around your home. Any garbage should be kept in a sturdy container, preferably metal to eliminate the draw of smell. The top of the can needs to be secure. Dogs may not have the dexterity of raccoons, but they can topple a garbage can and knock the lid off with ease. Once the garbage is secure, make sure you do not leave out any of your own pets’ food. More importantly, do not feed the stray dog. Because dogs are one of man’s best friends, people tend to feel sorry for strays. If a dog has become a nuisance, it should be treated in the same manner as you would treat an invading coyote or woodchuck. Feeding a stray dog opens up a false sense of security for you as a homeowner. You cannot trust a stray dog. These animals are a host of diseases, some of which can be transferred to humans. When all pet food is inaccessible, seal off the areas of your yard that might serve as shelter. Open spaces under sheds and porches can be prime locations for a stray dog to seek refuge. Even when your property is buttoned down and food-free, there is a chance that you will still have a problem with a stray dog.

You can also try stray dog repellent products.

Domestic dogs are not like other nuisance animals. In most states it is illegal for homeowners to trap dogs. This legislation has to do with the likelihood of local pets getting caught in traps. If you are allowed to trap stray dogs, chances are you are not allowed to use a lethal trap. Again, this has to do with the chance of capturing your neighbor’s pet. Any dogs which are trapped in live traps should be turned over to the local dog shelter for adoption or humane euthanasia. Most shelters offer rehabilitation programs for strays, testing the animals for behavioral issues and placing them into programs if they are deemed salvageable.

Most of the time, if there is a stray dog in your yard or neighborhood, your best option is to call a nuisance animal remover or the local dog control officer. These professional people often work together to safely and humanely capture and transport problematic canines. Stray dogs that are overly aggressive or show symptoms of contagious disease will often by shot by the authorities. This decision is made by local law enforcement and is not something a homeowner is allowed to do on their own unless there is an immediate threat to their person.

Stray dogs are a common and unfortunate sight to see in almost any city or rural areas all around the world. Stray dogs, also called feral dogs, have fallen victim to one of two circumstances; either they were born on the street from a stray dog and have never lived in a home with humans or they were left or separated from the family that they lived with. There are many reasons that dogs are left behind by their human families including not being able to afford the dog anymore, the dog is destructive and the family does not want to deal with it anymore or perhaps they will leave the dog when they move somewhere that does not allow dogs.

However, even though all of these reasons are good reasons to get rid of a dog, none of them are good reasons to just leave them on the street. There are many organizations in almost every town or city that deal specifically with taking unwanted dogs and finding them new homes that want them. In most cases you will be able to help this animal if you see it on the street as they are used to and trust humans. Although you should follow these safety precautions to effectively help the animal:


• Do not cause a traffic accident trying to pull over to help the animal. If you cause an accident there is a good chance that you can hurt the animal, yourself or others which doesn’t do anyone any good. Pull over and put on your safety hazard blinkers to signal to other drivers to slow down. Chances are that someone else will pull over and help you out.

• Use common sense. If the animal looks dangerous or sick it probably is. While it would scare you too if some stranger pulled over and tried to get you into their car, a dog that has been around humans a lot will usually come right up to you. If the dog is baring its teeth and looks sick or raged, then you need to call animal control and stay there until an officer can come out.

• When you approach the animal, crouch down and speak in soft soothing tones. Hold out your hand, or if you have food hold in out to them. If they come up and sniff or lick your hand then that is a good sign, if they lunge or try to bite you, call animal control.

• If the animal comes up to you try to restrain it by the collar it’s wearing, a blanket or you can hold it. Prepare to be scratched or nipped because a scared animal will lash out if it thinks you are going to hurt it. If you do get scratched or bit, remember that this doesn’t necessarily mean the animal is dangerous, but that it is afraid. Continue to speak in soft tones.

• If you feel that it is safe to put the animal in your car, do so and drive them straight to the vet or a shelter like the Humane Society. Here they will be able to treat the dogs and your injuries and then help the dog find a new home or allow you to adopt the dog if you feel inclined to do so. If you do not feel comfortable putting the dog in your car, call animal control to pick up the animal if you haven’t already done so.

While it is heartbreaking to see an injured or stray dog, it is never worth injuring yourself or others. When in doubt call animal control so that they can make sure the dog is healthy, safe and can find a new home.

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