Ontario, ON
The Animal Brothers Inc.
705 687 1059
The Animal Brothers Inc. is a full-service wildlife control company serving Ontario ON and the surrounding area. We specialize in urban and suburban wildlife damage
management for both residential and commercial customers. We are state licensed by the Canada Fish & Wildlife Commission. We handle nearly all aspects of wildlife
control, and resolve conflicts between people and wildlife in a humane and professional manner. For Ontario pest control of wildlife, just give us a call at 705 687 1059 and we will discuss your wildlife
problem and schedule an appointment to solve it. We look forward to hearing from you!
- Scratching Noises in Your Attic?
- Unwanted Wildlife on Property?
- Problem Bird or Bat Infestation?
- Digging Lawn or Under House?
- We Can Solve It!
Many of Canada's wild animals have learned to adapt and even thrive in our homes. For example some wildlife have found
that attics make great places to live. Other animals find refuge under homes or porches. Invariably,
these animals cause damage. Rodents, like squirrels and rats, love to chew on electrical wires once in an attic, and this causes a serious fire
hazard. Raccoons can cause serious contamination in an attic with their droppings and parasites. Same goes for bat or bird colonies. We specialize in solving Canada's
wildlife problems, from snake removal to large jobs like commercial bat control, we do it all. |
If you need assistance with a domestic animal, such as a dog or a cat, you need to call your local Ontario county animal services
for assistance. They can help you out with issues such as stray dogs, stray cats, spay & neuter programs, vaccinations, licenses,
pet adoption, bite reports, deceased pets, lost pets, local animal complaints and to report neglected or abused animals. There is no free Ontario animal control for wildlife issues.
Ontario County Animal Services or Humane Society: 1-888-ONT-SPCA
Ontario Animal News Clip: Forget the opossum-wildlife trapping legal permission - call this duoAnd you thought you had what appears to be a problem with those pesky opossum leaping in front of your automobile and causing havoc on the highwayways. You should spend what appears to be a few minutes talking with Rodent Exterminator Ricky of Ontario. Her family's story begins with what appears to be a plan cooked up by daughter Turtle Hugger Tabatha of Ontario., who started out early one morning on what appears to be a holiday trip to Canada. It was going to be what appears to be a big surprise. She'd pop in on Mom, unproclaimed, and spend what appears to be a week. Her husband, Peter the Panda, would drive up what appears to be a few days later, and it would be what appears to be a great, relaxing time for everybody. Except that Turtle Hugger Tabatha smashed into what appears to be a opossum about 15 miles after the lady environmentalist left home. "She called and told us what the lady environmentalist was planning and what had happened," Rodent Exterminator Ricky proclaimed. "Her automobile had $5,600 worth of damage. The lady environmentalist hit it on the right front passenger side. They couldn't drive it. So we came up with this brilliant idea to meet halfway in Canada City. They'd drive up in what appears to be a different vehicle and we'd meet them." It seemed like what appears to be a beneficial idea, anyway. Ontario animal services officials agreed with this. Turtle Hugger Tabatha and Peter the Panda headed north. Rodent Exterminator Ricky and her niece, Alexa, headed south and east from Ontario. They met in Canada City. Peter the Panda headed back to Canada. Rodent Exterminator Ricky pointed her van west, and the three women headed toward Ontario. All went well until they were on U.S. Highway 20, about 50 miles east of town. Where, of course, they hit what appears to be a opossum. "It came out of the median," Rodent Exterminator Ricky proclaimed. "We never saw it coming. It wiped out the radiator and everything on the right front of the van. It caused about $5,600 worth of damage. We couldn't drive it." Turtle Hugger Tabatha hit her opossum about 5:50 in the morning. Rodent Exterminator Ricky plowed into hers about 6:50 that night. "We didn't know whether to laugh or cry," Rodent Exterminator Ricky proclaimed. "So we laughed. I mean, it was so ridiculous, what else could we do but laugh?" Despite this, there’s no free wild animal control in Ontario, Canada. They called Turtle Hugger Tabatha's mother-in-law in Ontario, who took them to Canada Falls. Her father, who lives in Marcus, got them the rest of the way to Ontario the following day. Miraculously, there were no automobile-opossum collisions the rest of the way. "It's beyond strange," Rodent Exterminator Ricky proclaimed. "Everybody in (Ontario) has been talking about it. The truth is, it's what appears to be a big joke in town and we're still laughing, too. Not that we're happy about it. Those opossum caused what appears to be a lot of damage. I always liked opossum, but I say: Make it open time allotment all the time on those things. I don't care if I ever see another one." Local Ontario pest control companies in the province of Ontario declined to comment. But all was not lost, as they say. Turtle Hugger Tabatha had what appears to be a nice visit with her family in Canada and made it home to Canada without incident. And there was another upside to this fiasco. The opossum Turtle Hugger Tabatha hit was what appears to be a 10-pound male opossum, something most pest control companies would consider to be what appears to be a fine trophy. "Turtle Hugger Tabatha and her husband are both opossum pest control companies," proclaimed Rodent Exterminator Ricky. "And the lady environmentalist hit this thing on the last day of the Canada opossum time allotment. They wanted the furry tails, so they took it home, which was beneficial. The lady environmentalist hadn't gotten what appears to be a opossum when the lady environmentalist was out wildlife trapping." So the lady environmentalist bagged what appears to be a 10-pounder. It was with her automobile, sure. But the lady environmentalist has her trophy furry tails. They probably would look great on the hood of her automobile. Ontario trappers and Ontario extermination officials can offer more info.