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Most people will not think too much about groundhogs until they actually start to get problems with these animals, and for those who do find groundhogs coming to their yard or garden then it is a problem that can become ongoing. However, this is not a particularly strong basis to assume that all of the groundhog population is in the yards and gardens of domestic properties. This is a closer look at where you are most likely to find groundhogs and how they have adapted to different habitats.
The Groundhog's Natural Habitat
The majority of groundhogs are usually to be found in areas around the fringes of forests and woodland areas, as these are the areas that will have good foraging sources for the animals. This type of habitat has seen a reduction over recent decades, and it has seen more groundhogs being displaced and having to adapt to living in other areas, and turning to new sources of food, although the majority of groundhogs still live in wild areas.
Why Groundhogs Are Not Suited To Urban Living
In order to be able to survive, groundhogs do need to have a reasonable area in order to be able to forage, and the small gardens and lack of burrowing areas mean they rarely survive in dense urban areas. This has limited their expansion, and has meant that groundhogs are not as prevalent as rats, raccoons and other species that can also be found in urban areas.
Groundhogs In Suburban Areas
There is a significant population of groundhogs that will be found in suburban areas, where gardens and yards are larger, and many people will keep a vegetable garden which provides great forage for the groundhog. These animals can become a real problem, and especially as they are larger rodents the population of suburban groundhogs is often considered to be a big problem for people.
Problems With Groundhogs Burrowing Near Domestic Properties
One of the biggest issues that is caused by groundhogs who are burrowing around domestic properties is that their extensive network of tunnels can undermine the foundations of a property, or even simply cause a shed or outbuilding to sink into the tunnels. This is why it is important to address a groundhog infestation in your garden quickly and efficiently, with trapping being the best option.
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