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When you are thinking about who can help you when you find that you have a groundhog that is causing problems in your area, or worse you have a groundhog living in your yard or garden, then it may be natural to think about your city or county animal services department. Unfortunately, many people are disappointed each year when they are told that animal removal is not really a service that is generally offered by these departments. There are a small number of situations in which they can be of assistance, but it is important to be realistic about your expectations if you do contact these departments.
The Role Of City And County Animal Services Departments
In terms of what these departments do, in the majority of cases they will actually deal with problems with pets and domestic animals, and this will often include promoting spaying and neutering programs. They will also often run the dog catcher service to deal with stray dogs, and will also often have a dog pound where unwanted or lost pets can be held for a period. When it comes to dealing with other animals, they can sometimes get involved if there is a significant health risk, or if there are animals from farms that are causing issues.
Does Dealing With Pest Animals Fall In Their Remit?
In the vast majority of cases, your local city or county animal services department will not really be able to provide much in terms of assistance to help you to deal with a groundhog issue in your yard or garden. If the animal is clearly rabid, or is causing a greater health issue in your area, then they may be able to help. However, in most cases, they will be able to help you find a professional who will be able to help with groundhog removal, and they may be able to provide guidance on whether or not animal relocation is permitted in your area, or that you will need to dispose of the animal humanely.
Finding A Professional To Carry Out Groundhog Removal Work
There are plenty of lists available online that will allow you to find a professional who can help you to carry out this work. However, along with the local animal services department, your local veterinary surgeon may also be able to point you in the right direction. Your local animal removal specialist is also likely to advertise their services locally too.
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