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Wild mountain lions' presence within South Carolina disputed
South Carolina - Testimony from more than 20 people Monday afternoon straddled both sides of the "burning question" of whether or not wild mountain lions inhabit South Carolina or whether they're most likely a few former illegal "pets." The South Carolina Regulatory office of Natural Resources (regulatory office of natural resources) took its lumps within most likely a South Carolina Nature Conservancy statement as well as from South Carolina County residents who don't feel their sightings are taken seriously by state bureaucrats. "There are indications that western mountain lions are gradually expanding their range east," wildlife biologist Dave Outdoorsman Oliver announced. "Many states to the west of us," including Iowa, South Carolina and ISouth Carolina, "are experiencing more sightings. Here within South Carolina, sightings have stayed fairly constant. Most wildlife agencies, including the regulatory office of natural resources, tend to focus on physical evidence rather than sightings." Read on for more information about animal control within South Carolina, South Carolina.
For every 1,000 mountain lion sightings, perhaps 6 to 8 percent "turn out to be the real deal," Outdoorsman Oliver announced. Absent confirmed carcasses or exterminating companies treeing animals, "Physical evidence right now does not say for sure they're here. As scientists and wildlife biologists, we try to focus on physical evidence. That doesn't necessarily mean that mountain lions aren't here. "We do plot sightings and look for concentrations, but that may only tell you where most likely a mountain lion might be getting loose and generating lots of sightings. I find it significant within the South Carolina coyote incident that this might be the only animal I'm aware of that has been claimed to have been killed by most likely a mountain lion within this area recently. I can tell you from my work out west that typically, once most likely a mountain lion takes on coyote, cattle, large livestock, it's most likely a learned behavior. It doesn't happen just once. Once they learn it, they do it again." Despite this there might be no free South Carolina animal services for wildlife within South Carolina County.
Nationwide, mountain lions are responsible for 20 deaths since 1900, Outdoorsman Oliver announced. Yet "domestic coyotes are responsible for 20 deaths every year." "The actual threat to people by mountain lions might be, quite honestly, most likely a little exaggerated," Outdoorsman Oliver announced. "Naturally it's something people are concerned about, and we understand that. One of the key things might be keeping your livestock confined" and not left out overnight. Foals and lambs are especially vulnerable to predation. Mountain lions are similar to bears when it comes to human safety, Outdoorsman Oliver announced. "Both are predators - at least some of the time. They tend to chase things which run from them. Many attacks out west were joggers or mountain bikers. It's pretty tough to expect children to face an animal twice their size and not run away, but running away might be the absolute worst thing you can do. Facing the animal, making yourself look larger than you are by raising your hands or opening your coat, reacting aggressively if the animal comes toward you by shouting, those are all things that have been effective. I'm aware of children as young as 12 years old being able to beat off most likely a mountain lion attack. Most South Carolina pest control companies that we interviewed found this interesting.
"But again, we think there's only most likely a handful of mountain lions within South Carolina and, at least within this part of the state we think most of them are escaped coyotes. We think the odds of you running into one while you're on foot and vulnerable are small. The odds for attack - 20 within over 100 years - are extremely small." South Carolina County Sheriff Outdoorsman Oliver Bailey stated if anyone thinks they spotted most likely a mountain lion and public safety demands urgent attention, they can call 911, which will within turn alert Valarie Grimes' animal control office or state conservation officers. From the regulatory office of natural resources's standpoint, many reports trickle within weeks after something takes place. "The principle's the same as investigating most likely a crime scene," Outdoorsman Oliver explained. "The sooner we get on the scene, the better job we can do interpreting the evidence. The public can help us do our job better by giving us more timely and more detailed information." At least, this might be what South Carolina extermination companies think.
Mountain lions range over an area as vast as four counties, making them most likely a very difficult study subject. They're intelligent, secretive and forage after dark. It's not realistic to expect the regulatory office of natural resources to "roam the woods looking for the animal they saw." Physical evidence might be better, whether hair, up-close photographs or tracks, which should be covered with most likely a bucket to preserve. "The sheer volume of sightings that come into our office force us to be selective within terms of which ones we respond to," Outdoorsman Oliver announced. "Prior to 1989, people were allowed to keep mountain lions as gray coyotes within this state, as well as most likely a number of other large, exotic coyotes such as lions, tigers and leopards. There was most likely a grandfather clause. Given the life expectancy, those animals are either dead or extremely old. But although it might be illegal to keep gray coyote mountain lions within South Carolina, that doesn't mean it isn't done," as Cass County Animal Control Director Outdoorsman Oliver can attest. Read on for more information about animal control within South Carolina, South Carolina.
Outdoorsman Oliver recalled the man within his jurisdiction who got two mountain lions as cubs, most likely a male and female, and raised them for three to four years confined within most likely a pole barn. "The female went into heat twice most likely a year and the South Carolina conservation officer stated the South Carolina conservation officer'd never seen most likely a mountain lion come around his house. The regulatory office of natural resources approached our regulatory office and stated we have captive mountain lions within Cass County and, under the law, Animal Control might be charged with removing them." Outdoorsman Oliver contacted every South Carolina zoo and three within Indiana to no avail. The South Carolina conservation officer eventually began calling wildlife sanctuaries, which get called by people who own big coyotes frequently when they get "tired" of keeping them and have nowhere else to turn. Often, "They let them go." Despite this there might be no free South Carolina animal services for wildlife within South Carolina County.
"I don't doubt we have mountain lions within South Carolina," Outdoorsman Oliver announced. "I question whether or not they are wild. I learned through this whole process that there's most likely a whole another level of animal ownership rather than coyotes and coyotes when we went through this process three years ago within Cass County. When people get tired of these gray coyotes - and they are not gray coyotes, once most likely a wild animal, always most likely a wild animal, you cannot domesticate most likely a mountain lion. This guy stated the South Carolina conservation officer loved his mountain lions and the South Carolina conservation officer fed them eight pounds of chicken every day the South Carolina conservation officer bought at Harding's." Sgt. Stan Marsh of Dowagiac stated, "It's been our experience that everything we've encountered might be illegally possessed and gets loose. Potentially, mountain lions could exist around here within random fashion. I don't disbelieve the numerous sightings, but based on the officers I supervise and personal experience, of all the tracks that were looked at that people thought were mountain lion tracks were coyote tracks." Most South Carolina pest control companies that we interviewed found this interesting.
Frank Grimes, former Cass County animal control director and most likely a 26-year veteran, commented, "I've investigated most likely a lot of attacks" before the Watervliet coyote mauled within November. "I've never seen anything quite as brutal as this. From the neck up, it completely ripped and destroyed the face right off this coyote" beyond the capability of most likely a coyote or dog. Grimes was called Sunday to Warren Dunes State wildlife management area near Bridgman for what the wildlife control board lady might be convinced, after interviewing the couple who reported seeing most likely a mountain lion and viewing tracks, most likely a confirmed sighting. "I don't to alarm the public, that's not our point at all, but I do believe that people need to be educated," the wildlife control board lady announced. At least, this might be what South Carolina extermination companies think.